Would you like to give yourself a competitive advantage by matching the right person to the right job? Or by identifying a developmental need that is keeping your potential high performer stuck?

If your future leaders are not provided a tool to build self-awareness, their odds of failure – and the odds of organizational failure – increase.

We offer a variety of assessments that pinpoint individual strengths and developmental needs. From there, we can create an action plan to increase effectiveness.

 In a team setting, we can use these assessment reports to create discussion, foster understanding and create authentic relationships that allow people to focus on the future rather than on in-fighting.

Armed with this keen insight into people’s abilities, motivations and personality traits, companies can then create a workplace engaged in organizational mission, which can reduce turnover and increase employee satisfaction.

Our facilitators and coaches are certified in a variety of assessment tools including 360 reviews, DISC, Hogan and Myers-Briggs.